Professor in Evolutionary Psychology, Work and Organizational Psychology


Leadership and status

The evolution of leader-follower reciprocity: The theory of service-for-prestige

Price, M., & Van Vugt, M. (2014). The evolution of leader-follower reciprocity: The theory of service-for-prestige. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Download Abstract: We describe the service-for-prestige theory of leadership, which proposes that voluntaryleader–follower relations evolved in humans via a process of reciprocal exchange that generated adaptive benefits for both leaders and followers....

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Think leader, think white? Capturing and weakening an implici pro-white leadership bias

Gu¨ ndemir S, Homan AC, de Dreu CKW, van Vugt M (2014) Think Leader, Think White? Capturing and Weakening an Implicit Pro-White Leadership Bias. PLoS ONE 9(1): e83915. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0083915   Across four studies, we found evidence for an implicit pro-White leadership bias that helps explain the underrepresentation of ethnic minorities in leadership positions. Both White-majority...

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On faces, gazes, votes and followers: Evolutionary psychological and social neuroscience approaches to leadership

Van Vugt, M. (2013). On gazes, faces, votes and followers: Evolutionary and neuroscience approaches to leadership. In: J. Decety and Y. Christen. New frontiers in Social Neuoscience (pp. 93-110). Heidelberg: Springer. (IPSEN foundation). Download Abstract Leadership is arguably one of the most important themes in the social sciences, permeating all aspects of human social affairs, from the Euro...

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On Faces, Gazes, Votes, and Followers:

Vugt, M. (2013). On faces, gazes, votes, and followers: Evolutionary and social neuroscience approaches to leadership. In J. Decety & Y. Christen (ed.), New Frontiers in Social Neuroscience (pp. 93-110). Heidelberg: Springer Download Leadership is arguably one of the most important themes in the social sciences, permeating all aspects of human social affairs, from the Euro zone...

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The height leadership advantage in men and women: Testing evolutionary psychology predictions

Blaker, N. M., Rompa, I., Dessing, I. H., Vriend, A. F., Herschberg, C., & Van Vugt, M. (2013). The height leadership advantage in men and women: Testing evolutionary psychology predictions about the perceptions of tall leaders. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 16, 17-27. Download Abstract: Research suggests that tall individuals have an advantage over short individuals in terms...

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The Evolutionary Psychology of Leadership:

Van Vugt, M., & Ronay, R. D. (2013).The Evolutionary Psychology of Leadership: Theory, Review, and Roadmap. Organizational Psychology Review, 1-22.  DOI: 10.1177/2041386613493635 Download Abstract: Evolutionary leadership theory (ELT) argues that humans possess specialized psychological mechanisms for solving coordination problems through leadership and followership. We discuss the...

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Gender and facial dominance in gaze cuing: When emotional context matters in the eyes that we follow

Ohlsen, G., Van Zoest, W., & Van Vugt, M. (2013). Gender and facial dominance in gaze cuing: When emotional context matters in the eyes that we follow. PLOS-One. Download Abstract Gaze following is a socio-cognitive process that provides adaptive information about potential threats and opportunities in the individual’s environment. The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential...

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leadership by example in the weak-link game

Cartwright, E., Gillet, J., & Van Vugt, M. (2013). Leadership by example in the weak-link game. Economic Inquiry. Download Abstract: We investigate the effects of leadership in a four player weak-link game. A weaklink game is a coordination game with multiple Pareto-ranked Nash equilibria. Because the more efficient equilibria involve a degree of strategic uncertainty groups typically find...

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